Maxi Refill: Coloured Sand Refills
350 g sand refill in: yellow, orange, red, pink, light blue, blue, purple, light green, dark green, white, black and brown. You can buy a single color or a package with all 12 colors. Sand is created starting from white Carrara Marble.
With a Maxi Refill you can refill up to 7 times a Sabbiarelli Pen, an entertainment that never ends! Buy the colorful sand online, save money and have fun coloring our albums!
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Viola
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Rosso
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Verde scuro
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Blu
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Marrone
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Nero
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Giallo
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Arancione
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Verde chiaro
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Azzurro
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Rosa
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - Bianco
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - 12 colori
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - 12 colori
Sabbiarelli Maxi Refill - 12 colori